My mother is a very sweet woman. I've never met anyone who hasn't liked my mom, and there is no reason not to like her. There is a lot to love about her, in fact. She is generous, considerate, selfless, encouraging, and all around kind. Despite that, mom and I have our differences. She and I are very different people, and we don't always see eye to eye. In fact, there are very few things we agree on. One thing we do agree on is that her leg ulcers suck! I should've found a more elegant way to put that, but "suck" is the most accurate description.
Mom has been suffering for a few years now with leg ulcers. There is no single cause that can be addressed. Part of the problem is that she is borderline diabetic, retains water, and has arthritis. The wound care specialist (who is a wonderful doctor, by the way) suggested that she might be predisposed to this problem because her veins are close to the surface of her skin. Combine all this, and my poor mom suffers almost constantly from nasty, painful ulcers that sometimes end up infected. I'll spare you any images, as they aren't a pretty sight. Just a few weeks ago they got so bad that she was hospitalized for five days and treated with three different intravenous antibiotics several times daily.
When mom is home, I usually care for her wounds. Medicine and bandages need to be applied daily after a thorough cleaning and sterilization. We both hate it. Sometimes, it hurts so badly that she cries. I start to cry because I am causing her more pain in treating them. I hate it. She hates it. For a while, she had nurses who would come a few times a week. It took some of the burden off me, and mom appreciated it because she already feels badly that I care for her regularly. Unfortunately, nurses are expensive, even with her insurance, and the cost became prohibitive.
Two days ago, mom was down to only one small wound that was healing nicely. We were both feeling confident that she might have a reprieve. We were hopeful. Last night, she developed three more wounds. I feel badly for her, and yes, I know it's probably wrong, but I feel badly for me, too. I hate changing those bandages as much as she hates having the ulcers in the first place. Poor mom. I really wish we could get rid of these for good.

We're both keeping our fingers crossed that it works.
Image from
God bless that both of you. I hope your mom finds something that works. You definitely have your hands full. I don't know how you do it. Stay strong Laura !
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jackie! She should have the boot by next week. The doctor said her ulcers aren't the type that can be helped by surgery - go figure. Hopefully this'll help since it's really her only preventative treatment option.
ReplyDeleteI hope your Mom is feeling better soon. And dude, you are only human. I don't think anyone like seeing their parent in pain or having to clean bandages, drain tubes, etc. But still... You do it because you love them, even thought it sucks. You're entitled not to like it, but it's obvious how much you love your parents.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean, though, Laura. I didn't always see eye to eye with my mother, either. However, in a roundabout way, you and J having your parents live with you is a gift. You get to see from one another's point of view as equals in a way now. Will say a prayer for your Mom and hope the boot works well for her!
ReplyDeleteAs much of a pain in the ass as it is sometimes to have all of us under one roof, I've thought on more than one occasion that I really like having them with me. Sometimes I forget that not everyone sees their parents regularly, or even talks to them daily, so I agree that it is a gift.
Oh, and the boot was supposed to arrive today, but didn't. :( After she's had it for a while, I'll be certain to update.
And thanks for reading!